Experimente el Sistema de Experiencia del Huésped.
Transfiera su negocio a una
digitalización completa.
Guest Experience
La tecnología fundamental para una interación total con su huésped.
Ofrezca la mejor experiencia a su huésped y actualice la interacción con él.
Acceso a una variedad de funciones interactivas enfocadas en hacer de su estadía una experiencia excepcional y garantizar que toda la gama de servicios disponibles sea visible para el huésped.
Proporcionar a los huéspedes los medios para acceder de forma fácil y eficiente a una amplia gama de servicios. Es decir, actividades que en el pasado habría implicado ir a una recepción, como auto check-in, walk-ins, auto check-out y actualizaciones. Funciones exclusivas como reserva de mesa y menús digitales, entre otras, nos permiten ofrecer ofertas especiales y aumentar la rentabilidad de nuestros clientes.
A través del Check-in Online, el huésped puede realizar todo el proceso de check-in de forma autónoma, sin necesidad de desplazarse hasta recepción.
Acceso instantáneo a menús digitales del restaurante y bar de tu hotel, así como servicio de habitaciones y reservas de mesa.
Conozcamos los beneficios
A través de un código QR o del
número de reserva, el huésped podrá
acceder a su reserva, sólo tendrá
que rellenar sus datos personales
(o escanear su DNI) y realizar el pago
en unos segundos.
También podrán recibir la clave
Permita que cualquier huéspede walk-in
se realice en la Reserva en solo unos
segundos, haciendo que el proceso sea
más rápido y eficiente.
A través del código QR o el número
de habitación, permita que el huésped
realice su propio check-out y pago
de facturas.
Integración con una amplia gama
de modelos tecnológicos.
Compuesto por lector de documentos,
terminales TPA (pagos),
dispensador/decodificador de KeyCard
electrónica, impresora y lectores de
En el widget “Cuentas Pendientes
de Kiosco” aparecerán los movimientos
de pagos del Kiosco en cuanto haya un
check-in pagado en el Kiosco.
Y no sólo en la fecha de pago.
Let’s meet the benefits
Through Online Check-in, the guest can carry out the entire process of
check-in independently, without having to go to reception.
All data necessary for check-in, such as digital signatures and
identification data, will be obtained before the guest arrives at the hotel.
Increased profitability, with automatic payments and guaranteed
By promoting your add-ons during the online check-in process, your
can purchase various services to enhance their stay in order to increase
the hotel's revenue.
The Online check-in both works for the two functions: Online check-In,
and Check-in.
Host Online Checkin: on Guest Details it works according to the
configuration of the main guest and additional guests (including
children). All the personal data should be required.
And, all other fields always optional, regardless of PMS configuration in
this list of optional fields.
A complete integration with the + PMS Cloud-Based System.
Possibility to fill in data for Guests with their birthdate.
When the License ONLINECHECKIN the Fields of Picture and URL - Client
Services will be available.
For Guests Details: Notes will be saved in the category: Reservation
Notes. And more, possibility to translate the Document Type.
Ability to add the Country calling code. Countries and nationalities
sorted alphabetically. Respecting the guest language.
A través del Check-in Online, el huésped podrá realizar todo el proceso de check-in de forma independiente, sin necesidad de desplazarse a recepción.
Todos los datos necesarios para el check-in, como firmas digitales y Los datos de identificación se obtendrán antes de la llegada del huésped al hotel.
Mayor rentabilidad, con pagos automáticos y garantizados reservas.
Al promocionar sus complementos durante el proceso de Check-in online, los Los huéspedes pueden adquirir diversos servicios para mejorar su estancia y aumentar los ingresos del hotel.
Through Online Check-in, the guest can carry out the entire process of
check-in independently, without having to go to reception.
All data necessary for check-in, such as digital signatures and
identification data, will be obtained before the guest arrives at the hotel.
Increased profitability, with automatic payments and guaranteed
By promoting your add-ons during the online check-in process, your
can purchase various services to enhance their stay in order to increase
the hotel's revenue.
The Online check-in both works for the two functions: Online check-In,
and Check-in.
Host Online Checkin: on Guest Details it works according to the
configuration of the main guest and additional guests (including
children). All the personal data should be required.
And, all other fields always optional, regardless of PMS configuration in
this list of optional fields.
A complete integration with the + PMS Cloud-Based System.
Possibility to fill in data for Guests with their birthdate.
When the License ONLINECHECKIN the Fields of Picture and URL - Client
Services will be available.
For Guests Details: Notes will be saved in the category: Reservation
Notes. And more, possibility to translate the Document Type.
Ability to add the Country calling code. Countries and nationalities
sorted alphabetically. Respecting the guest language.
Through Online Check-in, the guest can carry out the entire process of check-in independently, without having to go to reception.
All data necessary for check-in, such as digital signatures and
identification data, will be obtained before the guest arrives at the hotel.
Increased profitability, with automatic payments and guaranteed
By promoting your add-ons during the online check-in process, your
can purchase various services to enhance their stay in order to increase
the hotel's revenue.
The Online check-in both works for the two functions: Online check-In,
and Check-in.
Host Online Checkin: on Guest Details it works according to the
configuration of the main guest and additional guests (including
children). All the personal data should be required.
And, all other fields always optional, regardless of PMS configuration in
this list of optional fields.
A complete integration with the + PMS Cloud-Based System.
Possibility to fill in data for Guests with their birthdate.
When the License ONLINECHECKIN the Fields of Picture and URL - Client
Services will be available.
For Guests Details: Notes will be saved in the category: Reservation
Notes. And more, possibility to translate the Document Type.
Ability to add the Country calling code. Countries and nationalities
sorted alphabetically. Respecting the guest language.
The Online check-in both works for the two functions: Online check-In,
and Check-in.
Host Online Checkin: on Guest Details it works according to the
configuration of the main guest and additional guests (including
children). All the personal data should be required.
And, all other fields always optional, regardless of PMS configuration in
this list of optional fields.
A complete integration with the + PMS Cloud-Based System.
Possibility to fill in data for Guests with their birthdate.
When the License ONLINECHECKIN the Fields of Picture and URL - Client
Services will be available.
For Guests Details: Notes will be saved in the category: Reservation
Notes. And more, possibility to translate the Document Type.
Ability to add the Country calling code. Countries and nationalities
sorted alphabetically. Respecting the guest language.
Llega al top con los mejores Servicios para Huéspedes.
Solicite una DEMO del Host GXP.